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Monday, January 23, 2017

Book Review - The Dragonbone Chair

Tad Williams - Sorrow, Memory, and Thorn trilogy
Book 1 - The Dragonbone Chair

I'm reading through my old favorite books again. This is my third time through the trilogy and I'm loving it just as much.

The Dragonbone Chair starts the story with young Simon, a servant in the king's castle, the Hayholt. Life for Simon is pretty much cleaning and avoiding cleaning and acting like a typical teenage male in most ways. Until old King Prester John dies and his son takes the throne and bad magic starts creeping in and old legends start to come to life.

Despite being over 700 pages long, the book doesn't drag. There is plenty of action and adventure. Tad Williams writes flowing prose, so even the descriptive passages draw you in. He takes his time and lets the story evolve.

If you are a fan of Tolkein's Lord of the Rings or Terry Brook's Sword of Shannara, this trilogy is right along the same track. It's high fantasy with a rich imaginative world, plenty of characters, swords and magic, elves and trolls, good and evil.

My only complaint is that a lot of the names are real tongue twisters.

My rating - a solid 5 stars.
PG mostly for violence

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