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Monday, January 15, 2018

TV Show Review - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency

So, we're surfing Hulu and we came across this show - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. Being bored, we decided to give it a try. I remembered hearing something about the book years ago, but couldn't remember ever reading it or anything else about it. I'm glad we did.

It's weird, wacky, wild, and very very unpredictable. The characters are bizarre. It involves kidnapping, murder, time travel, body swapping, weird nerve diseases, talking vans, a corgi, and a cute little black kitten.

Just surfed out to to check this out, and it's the 2016 BBC America show that we watched. Check it out here.

We have enjoyed it immensely, all eight episodes of the first season that are on Hulu. I may have to go find season 2 on DVD...

Warning - it is a little disturbing at times. The holistic assassin is way over the top. Bodies drop like flies all through the series. Violence happens a lot. Not a show for small children, and maybe not for older children.

Five stars for a very enjoyable show with plenty of laughs and what in the world? moments. Warning for violence and gore and disturbing bizarre stuff.

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