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Monday, December 17, 2012

My experiment with blog traffic

I tried using Triberr for a few months. Yes, it increased blog traffic. I was getting over 100 hits a day. But, and it's a big one, my spam comment list went from one or two every three months or so to five or six a day. What does it matter if I'm getting lots of hits if half of them are spambots? I'd rather have real people reading my blog.

I lost quite a few Twitter followers over Triberr, too. When I checked my Twitter feed, I realized why. "Check out XXX blog! *insert link*" over and over and over. Too much spam joining the never-ending flood of it on Twitter.

I've dropped out of Triberr. Sorry to those who were part of my tribes and counting on me, but I can only do so much social media. I will tweet links to blog posts that I enjoyed but only because I enjoyed them, not because I feel obligated. I will continue with the social media I enjoy.

And I'd love to get comments from real people. The spambots are entertaining, but their grammar is killing me.

I have friends who do a monthly giveaway on their blog. All you have to do to enter is comment. Should I start doing something like that?


  1. I never heard of Triberr. I'm with you, opt out! Who needs all the spam comments! Thanks for posting links on FB!. I click through when I see them.

  2. Triberr is a site that helps drive traffic to your site. It works, in quantity but not quality.

    Thanks for you comment. I try to share links I think are worthwhile.

    On a different topic, I need to discuss goat milk with you or your son. I need to make mozarella more often.

  3. Thanks for filling us in about Triberr. I like following your links on Twitter, please keep them coming.

  4. I made some great contacts through Triberr, but the site was just not working for me. If you are looking at lots of blog traffic and sharing lots of links on Twitter, it's a great tool.


Keep it clean, keep it nice.