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Monday, May 17, 2010

Look! I'm the White Rabbit!

I certainly feel like the white rabbit lately. So much to do, so little time, hurry, hurry. I'm late, late, late! My to-do lists have exploded. Yep, multiple lists. One for my day job, one for my mommy job, one for the house, one for my sewing project, one for my writing projects, and one for marketing my writing.

I want Alice, from the Brady Bunch not Wonderland, to move in with me. I can hand her half my lists. But that's not going to happen. Instead, I'll keep plugging away, doing the best I can. It's all we can ask of ourselves.

To quote the motto of a famous organization (which is also on my to-do list this week): On my honor, to do my best...


  1. Your best is all you can do, and is perfectly good. :)

  2. Good luck with everything! I so know the feeling of wanting Alice to move in.

  3. The first time I told my husband I wanted a wife, he thought I was nuts until I explained why. I want someone to take care of the kids and the house and the cooking and the cleaning and the bills and all the stuff I end up doing so I'd have more time to write.

    Thanks. :)

  4. I can relate. My goal in writing is to earn enough money to afford Alice to come visit me at least once a week. Yeah, and work. :D

    One thing at a time. It may take awhile, but you'll get it done.

    Are you still lost in Brazil? lol

  5. I eventually found the reset button and got back home. It was quite the trip down the rabbit hole. Amazing planetarium system.

    I definitely needed Alice today. *sigh*


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